• Thu. Apr 18th, 2024

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  • SpaceX Starship is revolutionising space travel, but revolutions come at a cost

SpaceX Starship is revolutionising space travel, but revolutions come at a cost

On Saturday the largest rocket the world has ever seen was launched 150km above the earth’s surface to outer-space. SpaceX’s most recent launch of the 400 feet tall Starship successfully…

Will AI take meaning away from our lives?

Earlier this week, Rishi Sunak and Elon Musk discussed the future of Artificial Intelligence at Bletchley Park. Whilst reading about it in the paper on Sunday, I felt this odd…

Elon Musk: saving our cities from the future

Tesla made a profit for the first time in its chequered twelve-year history. This, by itself, is not surprising. Tech companies will often operate at a loss for years, subsisting…

Grimes’s new album is oddly unsettling

Three stars. Miss Anthropocene is an oddly unsettling album not only stylistically, but also in its concept and its place in the world at large. It’s the fifth album from…

HypED and Hyperloop: more than just a pipedream?

On Thursday evening, University of Edinburgh students presented a model for a Hyperloop in the United Kingdom that could make 300 metres per second travel a reality. Imagine it is…

University of Edinburgh team invited to Hyperloop design weekend

Image: HypED Hyperloop is a big deal. Called ‘the fifth mode of transportation’ (after cars, trains, boats and planes), Hyperloop combines aspects of all the traditional four, but adds a…